When The Ton of Bricks Becomes An Avalanche (sj)

Issue #8 of Castle’s – The Newsletter is Out!

Below is a brief description of Issue #8

When The Ton of Bricks Becomes An Avalanche
(And What To Do About It) (by Susan James)
of the Amazon subscription based newsletter.

All issues are now also available on Scribd.com for $2.50 per
The free standing issues do not include all of the extras which
show up for those holding the $3.99 subscription.

Subscription Based Only. $5.00 / Month.

(Issue #8 Brief Description:)

When The Ton of Bricks Becomes An Avalanche
(And What To Do About It)
(By Susan James)

Recently I was bombarded by a stream of negative people.
The good news is, my particular circumstances were not
affected, but what was affected was my having to manage my
own space, in a way that for a long time, I had not been
needing to do.

I’m taking for granted that the subscribers to Castle’s The
Newsletter, are already on a conscious higher path which they
have chosen, and have some level of success in application of
higher law; so I’m going to skip the basics here.
(End Excerpt)

Total Pages Word Doc: 4
Word Count: 1182

Susan James
Personal Development with a Twist, Stirred but not Shaken.
Author of The Award Winning Manifesting 101 & Beyond,
Manifesting 102 & Beyond, Manifest Warp Speed,
Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires, 17 Seconds
to Wt.Loss, The Millionaire Maverick (Novel) and The Done
Deal (Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment)
http://www.susanjames.org    http://www.vastfive.com
Susan James On Amazon:

The Barkles of Susan James (On Amazon Kindle)
-The King Who Stole Our Magic Wand/How We Get It Back
-Supreme Law Is The New Rich
-The Genie vs Capitalism

Previous Castle’s Issue Index is Here: http://wp.me/p5Nlyn-9H

More Info on The Subscription Based Castle’s Advanced
Newsletter may be found here:
CASTLES-The Newsletter (ADVANCED Higher
Subscription Based Only. $5.00 / Month. Details:

Or Subscribe Directly Through Paypal:

Best and Splendid Success!
Susan James

Susan James Publishing http://www.SusanJamesPublishing.com
Secrets In My Socks http://www.SecretsInMySocks.com

Susan James Confabulation http://tinyurl.com/nlx7vqa
Susan James Consulting (via email) http://www.vastfive.com/consulting/

Susan James Books (Digital-PDF-Epub) http://www.SusanJamesBooks.com
Susan James On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/susanjames


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