Peace and Love

Peace and Love

Susan, I just have to write to you this morning to tell you how grateful I am for you and your work. Someone told me to try out your yahoogroup as I have been working to lose weight since having my second son. I am totally into manifestation so 17 secs has been totally vibing with me. I have been in a place where I have been manifesting what i don’t want for quite some time now so I have been kind on and off with reading through each newsletter for this group. I ususally read one per day then write. What I notice is that when I don’t write, I begin to notice that I slip back into my old way of thinking that leads to the body image that I DON’T desire. So this morning I made sure to read my newsletter and pick up my pen to write. I feel so inspired by your words and am 10 lbs lighter as a result. I just want to let you know that you are providing hope for those of us who are hopeless are pretty close to being hopeless. I have never had a problem losing weight until after having my second son. It has everything to do with lack of self nurturance and hating myself because of my weight. I have not been able to understand what was going on until I found you. THANK YOU! Your life, your work is meaningful to so many of us. May you continue to manifest all the desires of your wildest dreams. Peace and Love SS PS I also purchased the book and am LOVING IT!
Vast5 Publishing
Susan, I just have to write to you this morning to tell you how grateful I am for you and your work. Someone told me to try out your yahoogroup as I have been working to lose weight since having my second son. I am totally into manifestation so 17 secs has been totally vibing with me. I have been in a place where I have been manifesting what i don’t want for quite some time now so I have been kind on and off with reading through each newsletter for this group. I ususally read one per day then write. What I notice is that when I don’t write, I begin to notice that I slip back into my old way of thinking that leads to the body image that I DON’T desire. So this morning I made sure to read my newsletter and pick up my pen to write. I feel so inspired by your words and am 10 lbs lighter as a result. I just want to let you know that you are providing hope for those of us who are hopeless are pretty close to being hopeless. I have never had a problem losing weight until after having my second son. It has everything to do with lack of self nurturance and hating myself because of my weight. I have not been able to understand what was going on until I found you. THANK YOU! Your life, your work is meaningful to so many of us. May you continue to manifest all the desires of your wildest dreams. Peace and Love SS PS I also purchased the book and am LOVING IT!